We have an amazing family that started 20 months ago in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Scott is a successful lawyer in Utah. He loves BYU and anything associated with that. He is fun, loving, a great husband, and a terrific father. Heather is a stay at home mom with tons of things to do. She loves to read, go to movies, BYU football, and anything with her family. Dallin is the oldest and a great kid. He is a peacemaker and loves to go out with his friends. He loves to debate and is thinking about a degree in law. Kylie is a vibrant girl that is very athletic. She is constantly doing things all year long. Josh is our army boy. He loves army movies, army games,and did I mention he likes army?! He is a "pleasant boy" who is very easygoing. Tyler is a bundle of fun. He loves movies and likes to give each member of the family a name from different shows. McKentri is our attitude chick. She is loads of fun to be around and amazes you with things that she notices and says. Boston is our youngest but definitely runs the show. He is our little man and acts the part. He is a total boy and loves sports. He wants to be on the BYU football team one day.
that's sweet! Looks good!
I am so happy for you. I didn't know anything about your wonderful life. I have been so out of the loop. Thank goodness for blogs right. You are an amazing Mom and I've always looked up to you. Congratulations!!!
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